About us
In 1976, I learned about the system in which the Child Welfare Act protects children who are difficult to raise with their parents and raises them in orphanages. When I was vaguely interested in how the children who left the nest became independent, the scholarship fund established by the Tokyo Council of Social Welfare in 1996 gave the children who left the orphanage. I was impressed to learn that the scholarships, which are non-examination and do not require repayment, are the starting point for children's willingness to study.
That was the Nishiwaki Fund, but I heard that it was a plight that the benefits could not be continued in the next fiscal year, and that the plight for the time being would be overcome by Mr. Nishiwaki's additional contribution.
Therefore, we gathered to make up for the shortage of fruits by calling for donations widely, and to work for the continuation of the scholarship benefit business and the maintenance of the fund, and through the annual charity concert, many people learned about the activities of the Nishiwaki Fund. We are doing activities to have you.
In order to prevent coronavirus infections, we have no choice but to notify you of the cancellation of the charity concert this year, following the second year of Reiwa, and we will only ask for donations. I just pray for the end of the coronavirus epidemic so that the concert can be held safely next year.
Background of establishment of Nishiwaki Fund
The "Nishiwaki Fund" was proposed by Maya Nishiwaki to set up a fund in Tokyo as the wish of her husband, Kazuaki Nishiwaki, who passed away in 1986. It was set up in the meeting.
Children who cannot live with their parents for some reason are raised in orphanages or foster parents, and eventually the children leave the nest and become independent, but after graduating from high school, the children who become independent It was established as a fund to provide a part of the school expenses to children who are enthusiastic about studying and go on to universities, short-term universities, various vocational schools, etc. and especially need assistance.
The activities of the Rooster Waki Fund are managed in accordance with Mr. Kazuaki Nishiwaki's words, "When children feel like learning, they have a chance, so don't discriminate on the basis of their grades or past behavior."
This fund, which is decided by recommendations from orphanages and foster parents in Tokyo without being selected by examination and does not require repayment, has supported, encouraged and supported many children's advancement.
The operation of this fund is to provide scholarships based on the fruits of this fund, but while we are pleased with the improvement and expansion of children's motivation to study, the continuation of scholarships will continue under the long-standing low interest rates. It has been supported by donations from many people in an extremely difficult situation.
Current status of the fund
Since its establishment in 1987, the number of children who are willing to attend school has increased year by year, starting with three in the first year, and the number of scholarship students, which was double digits from the following year to 2010, continues to increase, and in the first year of Reiwa. With 206 people, 240 people in 2nd year of Reiwa, and 269 people in 3rd year of Reiwa, the operation in the long-lasting low interest rate era has overcome repeated plights, but this year it is finally a fund. I heard that you have decided to cut down the principal and continue the benefits.
A total of 30,34 children have received this benefit over the past 34 years, totaling about 900 million yen, of which more than 60% was donated by many people.
In order to protect the environment in which children can independently participate in society and make efforts toward a future where they can contribute to society, I would like to ask for your help in expanding the harmony of support.
List of children's destinations
Please know about Nishiwaki Fund-Q & A
Q1. What is the business of the Nishiwaki Fund?
Q2. Please tell me what an orphanage is like.
Q3. When was the fund established?
Q4. What is the purpose of establishing the fund?
Q5. What is the fund management policy?
Q6. What is the total amount of the fund?
Q7. What are the financial resources for the operation?
Q8. When was the first benefit? How many times has it continued?
Q9. How many people have you received so far?
Q11. Was the fund running smoothly?
Q12. How much is the administrative expenses for fund management?
Q13. What will happen to the future operation of the fund?
Q14. Is the school location for children announced?
Q15. How should I make a donation?
Q16. Is it possible to provide tax consultation regarding donations?
Q1. What is the business of the Nishiwaki Fund?
The Child Welfare Act protects children who cannot be raised by their parents for some reason at orphanages and foster parents. However, in principle, you must be up to 18 years old and be independent after that. It is a very burdensome place to deal with the life of a working adult who has a job after leaving the facility and has a new work environment and living environment, and the financial support of living from rent and prices in Tokyo, but universities, junior colleges, and vocational schools There are children who have a desire to study at such places, and we are providing scholarships to support them.
Upon application from an orphanage or foster parent in Tokyo, we provide a monthly scholarship of 20,000 yen, which is not obligatory to return.
Q2. Please tell me what an orphanage is like.
The Child Welfare Act stipulates as follows.
"Article 41 Orphanages are children without parents (excluding babies. However, if there is a particular need to ensure a stable living environment or for other reasons, they include babies. The same shall apply hereinafter in this Article). The purpose of this facility is to admit abusive children and other children in need of environmental care, to care for them, and to provide counseling and other independence assistance to those who have left the facility. "
Under the Child Welfare Act, children without parents or children who are not appropriate to be custody by their parents will prepare a stable living environment in orphanages and foster homes, as well as living guidance, learning guidance, adjustment of the family environment, etc. It has the function of supporting the healthy growth of children's mind and body and their independence.
In recent years, about 45.2% of children are admitted because of abuse, and 36.7% of the admitted children have some kind of physical or mental disability, which is more complicated than simply because they have no parents. There are many reasons for protection due to circumstances.
Q3. When was the fund established?
On December 5, 1986, at the Tokyo Metropolitan Government Building, Maya Nishiwaki made a donation to the then Governor of Tokyo, and it was decided to set up a fund within the Tokyo Council of Social Welfare and set up a steering committee. rice field.
Q4. What is the purpose of establishing the fund?
Kazuaki Nishiwaki, a certified accountant working at Arthur Andersen's Japan branch, died at the young age of 48, and his wife, Maya Nishiwaki, inherited Kazuaki's wishes, and heritage is children who leave the orphanage. It was decided to create a fund because I thought it would be good to create a scholarship system to support school attendance.
Q5. What is the fund management policy?
The pillars of the basic policy are as follows: (1) Do not select tests. ② Do not ask for repayment.
When supporting children who have left the orphanage, Kazuaki Nishiwaki said, "When the children feel like studying, it's an opportunity, so don't discriminate on the basis of your grades or past behavior." Since we want to carry out our words carefully, our policy from the beginning is to provide equal benefits to all those who meet the purpose and requirements of the fund without selecting them in the examination, and not to ask for repayment.
Children who are cared for by foster parents in Tokyo can also apply.
Q6. How much is the total amount of the fund?
It was launched in 1987 for 127,200 thousand yen, and after that, from Maya Nishiwaki, 2,300 thousand yen in 1988, 500 thousand yen in 1989, 5,000 thousand yen in 1990, and 2,500 thousand yen in 1991. , 2,500 thousand yen in 1992, 70,000 thousand yen in 1995, 42,250 thousand yen in 2006, 50,000 thousand yen in 2010, totaling 304,250 thousand yen. In 1997, Arthur Andersen New York Headquarters contributed $ 381,731 (equivalent to 45,750 thousand yen). In addition, we received donations of 100,000 thousand yen in 2010 and 200,000 thousand yen in 2016, and the total amount of the fund as of the end of the second fiscal year of Reiwa was 689,751 thousand yen.
Q7. What are the financial resources for the operation?
Originally, the fund was operated with fruits, and the deposit interest rate was 8% when the fund was established, so 30,000 yen a month for children enrolled in school with interest income (each year during the period of study) We were able to provide an annual amount of 360,000 yen).
However, due to the decline in interest rates after the burst of the bubble economy in 1990, it is not possible to provide benefits based on the investment profits of each year alone.
Q8. When was the first benefit? How many times has it continued?
On June 6, 1987, the first benefit ceremony was held for three scholarship students.
After that, the benefits will continue to be paid every year, and the third year of Reiwa will be the 35th benefit.
Q9. How many people have you received so far?
Benefits are applied annually, and the number is increasing year by year.
In 1987, when the fund was first established, there were three cases, but in each year after that, new benefits (new students) and continuous benefits (current students) were combined, 6, 11, 18, 27, 24, 32, 32, 38, 47, 47, 50, 56, 63, 59, 74, 74, 72, 74, 66,
The number increased year by year to 71, 79, 66, 82, 138, 156, 190, 193, 194, 175, 181, 189, 206, and there were 241 cases in the second year of Reiwa.
The total number of children who received benefits by the end of Reiwa 2 was 1,337 (the total number of benefits including continuous benefits was 3,034). Click here for details of achievements.
Q10. What is the total amount of benefits provided to a total of 1,337 people so far? What was the source of that funding?
The total amount of benefits as of the end of Reiwa 2 is 900,400,000 yen.
The financial resources are a total of 122,862,000 yen in investment profits such as interest, and a total of 705,110 thousand yen in donations from 1993 to Reiwa 2. The donation includes a transfer of 167,054 thousand yen from the association that supports the Nishiwaki Fund. Others are also funded by transfers from other funds.
Q11. Did the fund operate smoothly?
While the number of benefit students is gradually increasing, the "Nishiwaki Fund Support Association" was established in 1994 amid the plight of falling interest rates after the burst of the bubble economy, and has been operating while soliciting donations from general supporters. However, due to lack of funds, after the new benefit in 2001, the monthly amount was reduced from 30,000 yen to 20,000 yen, and the application was equally accepted, and the policy of not introducing the selection test was observed.
After that, we received a large donation in 2010 and returned to the monthly benefit of 30,000 yen from 2010, but due to the increase in the number of benefit students (196 in 2015), 2016 Since then, we have to reduce the monthly fee to 20,000 yen again, which is the same as today.
Q12. How much is the administrative expenses for fund management?
The fund's benefit business is managed by the "Child Welfare Friendship Mutual Aid Association (Sugiura / Nishiwaki) Fund Steering Committee," which consists of representatives of child welfare facilities and foster parents in Tokyo. It is installed.
In managing the office work, the fund does not bear the labor cost, rent, equipment cost, etc. for that purpose. The total amount of administrative expenses such as remittance fees has totaled 5,215 thousand yen over the past 34 years, and the average amount of administrative expenses for each year is only 153,000 yen. It is used for benefits.
Q13. What will happen to the future operation of the fund?
As mentioned above, the monthly benefit amount has been reduced from 30,000 yen to 20,000 yen since 2016, but since the balance of funds at the end of Reiwa 2 was 18,251 thousand yen, from the fund principal in Reiwa 3 70,000 thousand yen has been withdrawn and used for scholarship payments. Depending on future donations, if the fund principal is to be withdrawn in the future, it is expected that the fund will be exhausted in about 10 years.
Q14. Is the school location for children announced?
Universities, junior colleges, vocational schools, etc. that children who receive benefits every year are currently attending a charity concert sponsored by the "Nishiwaki Fund Support Association", along with the previous year's charity concert balance report. , We are distributing it as a list of places to go to school, which is a collection of the efforts of children this year.
Q15. How should I make a donation?
If you contact the "Nishiwaki Fund Support Association" (03-3256-3674), we will explain the procedure for applying for donations and remittance. You may contact the Tokyo Council of Social Welfare directly.
In addition to cash donations, non-cash assets can also be donated.
Even if you donate (via) to the "Nishiwaki Fund Support Association", it will be forwarded to the Tokyo Council of Social Welfare as it is, so the donation receipt will be sent from the Tokyo Council of Social Welfare to the donor. Can be done.
Q16. Is it possible to provide tax consultation regarding donations?
Income tax / resident tax donation deduction system or tax credit in final tax return, tax exemption system for donations in inheritance tax, explanation of corporate settlement and handling of donation deduction in filing, and taxation related to donation of non-cash assets You can rest assured that Makiko Miyauchi, a tax accountant who is the representative of the "Nishiwaki Fund Support Association", will respond to the above consultations. We also accept consultations regarding testamentary trusts. Please be assured that we are also working on the protection of personal information.
Please refer to the homepage of the "Nishiwaki Fund Support Association".
Q17. Is it possible to donate anonymously?
Some people are worried that the name and amount of the donation will not be announced when making a donation, but even if you do not make an offer to donate anonymously, the name and amount will not be announced. is not.
The donated personal information is managed by the Tokyo Council of Social Welfare responsibly and will not be leaked to others.