指定席: 3500円 / 自由席: 3000円 / 当日券自由席: 3500円
開演: 18:30 開場: 18:00
出演: Mr. Jazz Quartet with Guest 鈴木直樹 / 富岳太鼓
[ 第一部 ]
Mr. Jazz Quartet バンドメンバー:
中沢 剛(ドラム)
遠藤 征志(ピアノ)
宅間 善之(ビブラフォン)
嶌田 憲二(ベース)
[ 第二部 ]
TEL: 03-3256-3674

Mr. Jazz Quartet with 鈴木直樹

27th September 2022
It has been 2 years since last our concert! We will update as needed. Enjoy!
Place: Nakano ZERO Hall
Reserved seat: 3500 JPY / Unreserved: 3000 JPY
Time: After 6PM (plan)
Performance: Fugaku Daiko / Suzuki Naoki's band

27th September 2022
It has been 2 years since last our concert! We will update as needed. Enjoy!
Place: Nakano ZERO Hall
Reserved seat: 3500 JPY / Unreserved: 3000 JPY
Time: After 6PM (plan)
Performance: Fugaku Daiko / Suzuki Naoki's band

27th September 2022
It has been 2 years since last our concert! We will update as needed. Enjoy!
Place: Nakano ZERO Hall
Reserved seat: 3500 JPY / Unreserved: 3000 JPY
Time: After 6PM (plan)
Performance: Fugaku Daiko / Suzuki Naoki's band

27th September 2022
It has been 2 years since last our concert! We will update as needed. Enjoy!
Place: Nakano ZERO Hall
Reserved seat: 3500 JPY / Unreserved: 3000 JPY
Time: After 6PM (plan)
Performance: Fugaku Daiko / Suzuki Naoki's band

27th September 2022
It has been 2 years since last our concert! We will update as needed. Enjoy!
Place: Nakano ZERO Hall
Reserved seat: 3500 JPY / Unreserved: 3000 JPY
Time: After 6PM (plan)
Performance: Fugaku Daiko / Suzuki Naoki's band

27th September 2022
It has been 2 years since last our concert! We will update as needed. Enjoy!
Place: Nakano ZERO Hall
Reserved seat: 3500 JPY / Unreserved: 3000 JPY
Time: After 6PM (plan)
Performance: Fugaku Daiko / Suzuki Naoki's band

27th September 2022
It has been 2 years since last our concert! We will update as needed. Enjoy!
Place: Nakano ZERO Hall
Reserved seat: 3500 JPY / Unreserved: 3000 JPY
Time: After 6PM (plan)
Performance: Fugaku Daiko / Suzuki Naoki's band

27th September 2022
It has been 2 years since last our concert! We will update as needed. Enjoy!
Place: Nakano ZERO Hall
Reserved seat: 3500 JPY / Unreserved: 3000 JPY
Time: After 6PM (plan)
Performance: Fugaku Daiko / Suzuki Naoki's band
